Which direction should solar panels face?

solar panels

Solar panels work best when they get as much direct sunlight as possible. So, it’s no surprise that one of the most common questions we get is, “Which direction should solar panels face?”

If you’re considering taking back control of your own commercial solar energy system, you should know the ideal angle and location for your panels, as this can greatly impact their efficiency. Here, we’ve provided a helpful guide on where to place your solar panels and which way to point them.

Does it matter where my solar panels are facing?

Yes, it does matter! There are numerous benefits to placing your commercial solar array in its optimal direction to the sun, the biggest being that well-oriented panels capture more sunlight throughout the day. Constant sun exposure increases the amount of solar energy produced for your business.

This, in turn, reduces your business’s electricity bills, puts money back in your pocket, and reduces your company’s carbon footprint.

Which direction should my business solar panels face?

Businesses in the UK are located in the northern hemisphere, so if they want the most direct sunlight to hit their roof space, south-facing solar panels are the way to go.

However, while south-facing solar panels offer the best efficiency for capturing solar energy, not all businesses enjoy a south-facing roof. But if you have a southeast or south-west facing roof, your business will still capture enough sunlight to power your operations.

What about north-facing panels?

Although south-facing panels are ideal, don’t be put off from considering a solar installation if your business has a north-facing roof. Although they might receive less direct sunlight—and lower energy output as a result—a larger number of panels or higher-quality panels that generate solar energy more efficiently can achieve a similar result for your business needs.

East-facing panels for morning operations

If your business uses more energy in the morning (e.g. hospitality, manufacturing, retail, etc.), east-facing panels might be a good way to capture the large amount of morning sunlight the UK gets.

West-facing panels for evening operations

On the other hand, if your business uses more energy in the late afternoon (e.g. fitness, entertainment, etc.), west-facing panels can capture the last sunlight hours of the day, keeping energy production high when it’s needed most.

Combine east and west-facing panels

If you can’t get a south-facing system and still need consistent solar power throughout the day, combining east- and west-facing solar panels can offer a similar output as a south-facing solar panel installation. This is because it distributes solar production evenly and provides two peak periods of energy production across the morning and evening.

So, does direction matter when it comes to my business solar panels?

Yes, there is an ‘optimal direction’ for businesses in the northern hemisphere looking to maximise their solar electricity production and save on energy bills.

But while south-facing panels are generally best for capturing that exposure to sunlight, don’t discount east—and west-facing panels, as they can offer an alternative solution for your solar goals.

Embrace the power of commercial solar now with Path Energy

Do you want solar power to revolutionise your business and lower energy costs? Do you want your business to be ready for a greener future with clean energy from the sun?

Then Path Energy is here to help you step towards that future. With our range of solar technologies, including battery storage, we can provide you with the best solar array for your business.

Get in touch today to see how our professional, expert solar installers can take your business to the next level.

Chris Kemp
30 May 2024
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